Longleaf Elementary has been named a Participating School by the MAC (Mississippi Arts Commission). We have many professional development opportunities for our teachers to attend. We will be integrating arts in our classroom and throughout the school to allow our students to deepen their knowledge and learning experiences.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Author Celebration

"If you don't see the book you want on the shelf, write it." 
                                  ~Beverly Cleary 

Mrs. Hamlett’s 2nd grade EXCEL class concluded their unit on My World/Flat Friend by having an Author Celebration.  They began the unit by having Hattiesburg author, Mrs. Dean Smith, read her story, Plucky Little Bucky to all of the second grade students at Longleaf Elementary. She talked about the writing process and how she got the idea for her book.  

The goal for the unit was to develop an appreciation for their community, city, and state.  The students completed many project-based activities that enhanced their creativity and communication skills. Mrs. Hamlett read the book, Flat Stanley, to her class.  In the story, Flat Stanley gets flattened by a bulletin board and travels to California in an envelope.  Her students used this idea and created their own Flat Friend and developed his/her personality.  They had to take the flat friend around to unique places in Hattiesburg and take pictures with him/her.  While they were there, they had to research two facts about the place and what makes it unique.  

Students used the Storyjumper website to write a book about their adventures and add their pictures to it. After the completion of their Flat Friend books, they participated in an author celebration to showcase their hard work.

The night of the Author Celebration parents visited with the students and asked them questions about their books.  They even asked the students for their autographs! The students also performed a skit and sang the 50 States Song in alphabetical order.

Longleaf partnered with the Hattiesburg Tourism department, the Zoo, Camp Shelby, and African-American Military Museum.  These businesses donated awesome prizes for our top 3 outstanding books.  The zoo brought their Zoomobile to the celebration with an owl, snake, and even a tarantula. Sam’s, Updown Trampoline Park, USM, and Little Caesars also donated items to make our event a success.  The MS Geographic Alliance let us use the large map of Mississippi and the students went on a scavenger hunt to locate different places on the map. 

Wow! This was a clever way to integrate visual and performance art into writing! Good job, Second Grade! 

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